This post is unofficially sponosored by Carhartt, because today Anna and I drove an hour to St. Albans, VT, to go to Lenny's Apparel and Shoes, possibly the only store that carries women's Carhartts. Carhartt is the unofficial uniform of farmers. They even have their own color: Carhartt brown, and now they make a clothing line specifically for women. I bought two pairs of pants, which I will consider my first vet school expense, because my justification for buying two pairs was that, eventually, I will be a vet student and will wear them a lot then as well as this summer.

Anna and I also found a produce stand that had fresh strawberries. They are delicious! After I got home and had dinner, Christina, Claire, Roxanne, Eric, and I went to the Plattsburgh mall and hung out. We were going to see a movie but we didn't leave soon enough. I got a few other things on sale at Gap and Old Navy, and some bargain books from Borders. It's really nice to hang out with everyone, especially since none of us work together so it's not like we're bored with each other's company by the end of the day.
It turned out that by going to the mall, we missed one of the mares foaling. We drove to the barn to check on her, and her foal was mostly dry and standing up on VERY wobbly legs. It's a little chestnut filly and they are calling her Annie, because we all stopped at Auntie Anne's Pretzels before we left the mall. She has a very long face and is a little funny-looking, but we all think she will grow into herself. It was pretty cool to see such a new foal. Her tongue was bright red and she tried to suck on my fingers.
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