Today after we got home from the fair I had crops. I helped Henry spread manure and I drove a whole load by myself, from backing up the spreader to the spout, driving to the field, spreading, driving back, and backing up again. Bethann made me back the trailer up one time last week and it was very frustrating but it forced me to figure out the whole process, even if it isn’t second nature yet. Now I know if I look at my front tires I can figure out which way the back of the truck or tractor will move, and then the trailer or spreader will go the opposite way. After lunch, I painted the inside of the fertilizer box with graphite paint. That was an interesting experience. First I had to use a wire brush to get all the rusty spots clean. Mark put a ladder in there so I could reach the upper edges. The box is shaped like an upside down pyramid with the top sliced off. The flat part at the bottom is pretty small, just big enough to stand on, so you have to clamber on your hands and knees over all the sides to reach everywhere. This is no easy feat, because last season’s graphite paint is still there, making the entire inside of the box more slippery than ice, hence the need for the ladder. I kind of enjoyed figuring out how to manage the ladder, the paintbrush, the can of paint, and myself all at once.
This is just a picture of the Massey, my favorite tractor to drive.

When we went back Wednesday evening, Wanda said the FFA folks were looking for a calm and gentle Holstein calf to use in their “Little Britches” show on Thursday, and she offered them Cricket. I guess that's when I really felt like I accomplished something with Cricket, for Wanda to think she would behave well enough for a small kid to lead her. She sure didn’t look very small next to the kid who helped show her! She did great for her first time in the ring.
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